We are a group of data-driven businesses
that unlock the value of insight, hindsight
foresight to drive organizations forward.



Elegantly simple, universally compatible, KX is the fastest, best-informed, real-time decision-making engine in the world.

Capable of capturing any data, from any location and in any format, this unrivaled streaming analytics platform drives the most demanding business decisions with real-time continuous intelligence. Widely adopted throughout the financial industry, where it is employed across a range of data-intensive arenas, KX is also deployed in industries as diverse as manufacturing, automotive, energy, utilities and telecommunications. It also powers the MRP Prelytix digital marketing platform.

“Across industries, we continue to see businesses transforming – whether to improve operational performance, outpace their competition or change the game entirely. FD’s strength in leveraging its expertise, technology and data to solve some of the toughest challenges in the financial and industry sectors makes us the partner of choice. We are well positioned to accelerate growth.”


Donna Troy