FD Technologies PLC (“FDT”) Group – UK Tax Strategy


Statement of Compliance

The tax strategy applies to all taxes applicable to the FD Technologies Group and its subsidiary undertakings (“The Group”). The Group’s strategy is published in accordance with Para 16(2) Schedule 19 Finance Act 2016.

This document is in effect for the year ended 29 February 2024 and will be duly updated annually in line with the above regulations.
The strategy was approved by the Board, and any subsequent amendments will also be approved by the Board.

Tax Risk Management, Compliance and Governance

FD Technologies is committed to ensuring the tax policy is consistent with the Group’s overall strategy, its approach to risk and the Group’s values.

FD Technologies strive to pay the correct amount of tax at the right time, under all of the relevant laws and regulations.

FD Technologies adheres to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (“OECD’s”) guidelines on transfer pricing policies, which are applied consistently across the globe.
FD Technologies takes advice from independent external tax, legal and accounting firms to ensure that our risk management decisions are based upon the latest and most relevant interpretations of laws and regulations. We recognise that tax laws are complicated and may be open to multiple interpretations.

Tax Risk and Planning

FD Technologies assesses the tax risks and analyses different tax outcomes that may arise from its commercial operations. FD Technologies does not participate in aggressive tax planning for the purpose of tax avoidance.

Tax Transparency and Ethical Behaviour

FD Technologies is committed to the OECD’s initiatives on tax transparency.

FD Technologies complies with all tax laws and regulations, reporting and disclosure requirements in a timely fashion. We maintain candid and transparent relationships with tax authorities globally based on regular collaboration.

FD Technologies adopts its tax positions on sound economic and business principles and commonly accepted best practices, recognising that tax situations can be very complex ad making the right decisions requires careful consideration of many factors.

Our commitment to an open relationship with Tax Authorities

FD Technologies is committed to ensuring a transparent, open and constructive relationship with HMRC and tax authorities across the globe.
The Group strives to make full, accurate and timely disclosures in tax returns and in correspondence with HMRC.

The Group seeks to co-operate with Tax Authorities at all times and to deal with issues in a timely and collaborative manner. Should genuine differences of opinion occur regarding the application of the law, the Company’s primary objective is to resolve such issues with Tax Authorities through open fact-based dialogue and with reference to the relevant legislation and tax law.

FD Technologies UK entities are committed to timely submission of accurate tax computations and returns in compliance with all tax laws and regulations in the UK and elsewhere.

List of UK entities covered by this strategy

  • FD Technologies PLC
  • Market Resource Partners Limited
  • First Derivatives Services Limited
  • First Derivatives I Limited
  • MRP Holdings Limited
  • KX Systems Ltd
  • KX Group Ltd
  • KX Analytics Limited
  • First Derivative Limited